    (Matlab) Fuzzy Inference System Modeling


fuzzyOpen FIS Editor
mfeditOpen Membership Function Editor
ruleeditOpen Rule Editor
ruleviewOpen Rule Viewer
surfviewOpen Surface Viewer
newfisCreate new Fuzzy Inference System
readfisLoad Fuzzy Inference System from file
genfis1Generate Fuzzy Inference System structure from data using grid partition
evalfisPerform fuzzy inference calculations
showfisDisplay annotated Fuzzy Inference System
writefisSave Fuzzy Inference System to file
plotfisPlot Fuzzy Inference System
addvarAdd variable to Fuzzy Inference System
gaussmfGaussian curve membership function
gbellmfGeneralized bell-shaped membership function
trimfTriangular-shaped membership function
addmfAdd membership function to Fuzzy Inference System
addruleAdd rule to Fuzzy Inference System
gensurfGenerate Fuzzy Inference System output surface
getfisGet fuzzy system properties
setfisSet fuzzy system properties
rmvarRemove variables from Fuzzy Inference System
fuzarithPerform fuzzy arithmetic
proborProbabilistic OR
dsigmfDifference between two sigmoidal functions membership function
gauss2mfGaussian combination membership function
pimf¥Ð-shaped membership function
psigmfProduct of two sigmoidal membership functions
sigmfSigmoidal membership function
smfS-shaped membership function
trapmfTrapezoidal-shaped membership function
zmfZ-shaped membership function
rmmfRemove membership function from Fuzzy Inference System
plotmfPlot all membership functions for given variable
evalmfGeneric membership function evaluation
mf2mfTranslate parameters between membership functions
defuzzDefuzzify membership function
showruleDisplay Fuzzy Inference System rules
parsruleParse fuzzy rules



  µî·ÏÀÏ : 2014-04-13 [13:44] Á¶È¸ : 1403 ´Ù¿î : 0   
¡â ÀÌÀü±ÛMatlab Neural Network Toolbox-2014a
¡ä ´ÙÀ½±ÛBuild Mamdani Systems (Code)
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