#include #include // Function to update the background position void updateBackground(int* backgroundPosition) { (*backgroundPosition)++; // Here, you might add more complex logic for background movement } // Function to update the character position based on input void updateCharacter(int* characterPosition, char input) { if (input == 'a') { (*characterPosition)--; } else if (input == 'd') { (*characterPosition)++; } // Add additional character movement logic here } int main() { int characterPosition = 0; int backgroundPosition = 0; char input=0; clock_t lastTime = clock(); while (1) { // Check if enough time has elapsed to update the background if (clock() - lastTime > CLOCKS_PER_SEC / 30) { // 30 FPS updateBackground(&backgroundPosition); lastTime = clock(); } // Check for character input without blocking if (kbhit()) { input = getch(); updateCharacter(&characterPosition, input); } // Rendering logic here (example output) printf("Character Position: %d, Background Position: %d\r", characterPosition, backgroundPosition); fflush(stdout); // Break condition for the game loop if (input == 'q') { // Exit on 'q' input break; } } return 0; }