FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
1. Applets are not working, I see only errors. What shoud I do?
2. I have a question concerning GA, can you help me with it?
1. Question: Applets are not working, I see only errors. What shoud I do?
Answer: Check browser recommendations.
You may have older Java supported in your browser. Sometimes this error may be caused by error in Java class transmition. In this case try reload the class or simply try it again after some time.
2. Question: I have a question concerning GA, can you help me with it?
Answer: First read the last paragraph of the page with information about these pages. If you didn't find the answer using your favorite search engine and still think that it is good idea to ask me, then you can send me me your question, I may answer. I am deleting e-mails of type "here is my homework, I didn't even read it and don't know what is meant by GA, can you send me the code with the solution?" without answer (I really received a lot of such e-mails).
You may also try newsgroup comp.ai.genetic. For advanced questions, you may also try to contact my colleague Jiri Kubalik, who is an expert in GA.
3. Question: Can I cite your page?
Answer: Yes, of course, and I am pleased to see that some people do it :-). I am always surprised by this question - I thought you can cite anything that is available to public if it is not explicitly forbidden. However, there is no clasically published equivalent of these pages - so you can just cite "Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, URL http://www.obitko.com/tutorials/genetic-algorithms/". There is also a paper about these pages (not about GA) - Visualization Of Genetic Algorithms In A Learning Environment.
4. Question: Is there anything similar available for neural networks?
Answer: A tutorial with applet illustrating prediction using neural network is available.
Other tutorials are available here.

(c) Marek Obitko, 1998 - Terms of use